392. Welcome all of you to Blog 42. Before I start I want to say that after following politics for about 50 years, I am never really surprised by some of the crazy things that happen and every once in a while one comes up that really sparks my interest. Recently the “Fani Willis” story popped up and I have to say I am hooked. Not so much for it’s importance but for the entertainment value. I can’t get enough of it. My wife thinks I’m nuts and that’s OK. Just give me more “Fani’ and don’t worry, I won’t be doing any “Fani” Blogs. Now back to regular business.
393. As you know, I have spoken in many Blogs about the problems in getting information from the Mayor’s office. I feel there are or were more texts between him and Melissa Hyatt. But I only get what I get when I make requests and even though I have asked for more information on several occasions which have been documented on various Blogs, I think what we have is all we are going to get from them. So, today I want to analyze the texts that we have already published, starting from the first one. What is really important is also the timelines. And I have a new text at the end that I have not published yet.
JAN 21, 2021
394.The first text was between Officer Bradley Jago and Melissa Hyatt. You can read the entire thread between these two on Blog 19. I did make requests for more texts between them but was told there was none. The reason I felt there might have been more is the wording in the text doesn't make sense to me. If this is the first text you are sending someone do you start by saying “Sorry to bother you will they patrol at bar close tonight”. Or would you say “Hi,how are you” or something like that. And the context of her message suggests to me that they have had previous conversations. Do you think that this is the first text these two have had? The second last text between these two was on March 4, 2021. (See below}
The last text between them was on March 23, 2022. That is over a year since the one before and five days after the ONLY shooting on March 18, 2022. (See pic below)
Don’t you think it’s weird that there was no communication between them in over a year? And then there was only one text (See above). Despite many requests the city says they have no other information.
So now we turn our focus to Mayor Paine and Melissa Hyatt. We will break these up in separate sections because there are lapses of time that can’t be accounted for.
MARCH 18, 2022
This is less than five hours after the ONLY shooting at the Palace. This is the first text between these two that I have. Despite many attempts made to the city about any type of communication between them (texts, emails etc.) they insist the are none prior to March 18, 2022.I am asking you, the readers the same question I asked myself. If you were to text somebody for the first time, is this how you would word it? No ‘How are you”, no “Hi, my name is Melissa”. Calling him “Jim”, not “Mayor” or Mr. Paine”. Kind of hard to believe isn’t it?
And on top of that she text him at 7:00 AM. I think that is very selfish of her even if they are friends. Being a Mayor, Chief of Police, doctors and many professions is a 24/7 job. You never know when you are going to get that emergency call. On the other hand you have to have a decent night sleep as well. How we handled it in our business was, you can email me anytime. As far as texts go only during working hours for non-emergency and anytime for emergencies. If you have noticed many of her texts were between 5:00AM and 6:00AM. Selfish, among other things indeed. And by the way, do you know anybody that has the kind of access to Mayor Paine other than Melissa Hyatt?
Then there was this letter to Councilor Elm from Mayor Paine also dated March 18, 2022 at 10:25 AM. He also CC’d Officer Jago and Chief Alexander. This letter and my response to it is on Blog 9, Point 132. Here is a copy of the letter (See below) that in fact proves, not once but twice that they had a relationship prior to March 18, 2022. And as I stated before, the city claims they have no documents prior to March 18, 2022.
Good morning Tylor
I’ve also spoken to Ms. Hyatt this morning. Here’s the background and next steps. I’ll allow the PD to add anything I’ve missed.
The Palace was a source of frequent frustration for Ms. Hyatt and her employees last year. Several police officers, the Chief, and I spoke with her and the police followed up with the Palace. The general impression we got was of a somewhat rough, ugly, and late night, heavy drinking bar. While I wouldn’t recommend the place to anyone, we didn’t find anything that merited significant action, such as a review of their license or triggering the nuisance ordinance. Most of the actual problems involved drinking in the back alley, some minor property damage, and fighting. The criminal activity wasn’t significant or common enough to merit much response beyond increased patrols and some communication with the owner of the Palace. However, I should make clear that Ms. Hyatt, who runs an early morning business, was enduring a very frustrating and often frightening situation. The loud music and chaotic atmosphere, while within the allowable limits of their license, made life at A Dozen Excuses very hard. After communicating with her and the Palace, we reached the end of our ability to intervene and I didn’t hear anything from her until this morning.
She is correct, there was a rather extreme shooting last night. I don’t believe there was any loss of life but injury appears likely and I am optimistic the police will make an arrest soon. However, this dramatically changes our view of the Palace as a licensed business. I will convene our law enforcement team on Monday and begin discussing all of our options, including our most serious consequences. In the meantime, I’ll ask the Police Department to increase patrols for the weekend and immediately engage with the owner of the Palace to reinforce the license obligation to maintain a safe premises.
I’ve communicated our next steps to Ms. Hyatt and I’ll follow up with her and you again next week after the team has met and especially if and when we decide to take further action.
Have a good weekend,
This text thread starts on Blog 10 and continues on Blog 11,12,13 and 15. The last one is dated April 9, 2022
396. The next text is dated April 20, 2022. There is only one. It’s on Blog 16. The next text after this April 26, 2022. So that means that there was only one text in 17 days. Once again I made a request to the city for info. No luck again.
397. On April 26, 2022 the texts start up again on Blog 16. But they only last one day and there was only four. The next set of texts don’t occur until May 25, 2022. So, Between April 9, 2022 and May 25, 2022 we only got 5 texts over a 2 day period. That’s it in 46 days. Sent a request to the city. Nothing again. I don’t know about you, but this doesn't pass the smell test for me. That’s one of the reasons I wanted City Council to conduct an investigation but of course I never got a response to the 27 emails I sent them. They should all be ashamed of themselves. But I’m sure they aren’t. They have their heads so far up Paine’s ass that they can taste what he had for lunch. One of my sources told me he had a Kid’s Happy Meal but I can’t confirm that.
The next text comes on May 26, 2022. See Blog 17. That is only hours after the Non Shooting Shooting. The shooting that the Mayor, Chief and city attorney Frog Prell recklessly and foolishly claimed happened behind the Palace, which it didn’t and that was confirmed by the police on the scene that night and backed up by all the police reports from police who were at the scene that evening. You can read the whole story of the Non shooting shooting on Blog 23.
The next text is on June 23, 2022. See Blog 28. That is 28 days since the last one and a total of 6 texts in 76 days since the original onslaught of texts that started March 18, 2022 and ended April 9, 2022. Seem odd to you? But this one is a gem because this is where the Mayor says “before we pulled the license’. That’s because the city had taken a stand that we “withdrew “the license. So this was the first time he admitted the real truth. He also said about Jordan “It won’t do much good for her to apply”. This might be be against Wisconsin law.
The next text is Oct 11, 2022, and it’s from Jordan Wheat, the potential buyer to Melissa Hyatt. And in Part 2 there will be a text between the Mayor and Melissa. I will comment on both and please pay attention to the timelines. I don’t think you’ll be too happy.
But first I want to put a little perspective on the situation. When I went to the Mayors “Pity Party” meeting, the one he didn’t go to because he was in Vegas on our, the taxpayers dime. We were told in no uncertain terms that we had to become friends with Melissa Hyatt before a license would be considered. That came from former Chief Alexander, current Chief Winterscheidt and city attorney Prell. Then at another meeting that Jordan went to, she was told the same thing. It’s obvious that the mayor made this demand. Another one of his infantile and childish ideas. Imagine that your business license hangs in the balance unless you make friends with your next door neighbor.
I had told Jordan that there was no chance in hell that I would try and make friends with her. I told her that if Melissa gave her a list of 20 demands and she took care of them, she would be back in a week with 20 more and the cycle would never end. You might be opening a door that you’ll wish you never did. But I also told her that since this is possibly going to be her business, I told her she could decide how she wanted to handle this. So in early October, 2022, she decided to go next door and introduced herself to Melissa. During the visit Melissa told Jordan that she was concerned that there might be a homeless person living under her back stairs and asked Jordan if she could provide her with videos from our cameras and Jordan said she would. After the meeting Jordan was very positive about the meeting and said “I couldn’t believe how nice she was to me”. That made me more skeptical because I lived next to a “Melissa” when I was in Florida and I was seeing a lot of similarities. So, this sets us up for an exchange of texts below. The text below is the first one from Jordan’s phone that we have had on the Blog.
OCT. 11, 2022
9:01 AM
In this text Melissa congratulates Jordan for her potential purchase of the Palace.
OCT. 11, 2022
10:11 AM
Jordan sends over the videos Melissa requested. So far so good.
The next three texts are between Melissa and the Mayor. I actually ran these on Blog 31, but they have taken on more importance since the discovery of Jordan’ text. Watch the timeline.
TEXT # 1
OCT. 11, 2022
11:18 AM
Uh Oh. What a snake. What a nasty, awful and despicable person she is. But we already knew that didn’t we? The Backstabbing Baker says that she thinks the manager taking over the Palace is a bad idea. Guess who the manager is? Jordan of course. This might go down as the shortest friendship ever. Only 2 hours and 17 minutes after congratulating Jordan she is texting this disaster of a Mayor that Jordan should not get a license. As bad as I thought Melissa AKA the Backstabbing Baker was, this really is a new low for her. I would like to ask my readers the following. Would you open a business or buy a home if she was your neighbor? My neck is killing me after shaking it so much.
TEXT # 2
OCT. 11, 2022
TEXT # 3
OCT. 11, 2022
401. I’ll start with my observations about all the texts in general. When you see these large gaps in time between texts and you look at the new texts many of them don’t start off with “Hi, how are you” or “How have you been” or “Hi, Its been awhile”. Here is an example of how one of them start. From Blog 16, “More police last night”. Real people don’t talk like that. Some of them sound like they spoke earlier in the day. Is it possible that they spoke by phone during these periods, which would mean there would be no records? Yes. Do I believe that’s what happened? Not really. But the city insists they have nothing.
402. I feel in lieu of the evidence that has come to light in today’s Blog and the many other ones that I have posted since I sent 3 emails(See Blog 25) to you back on Sept 18, 27 and Oct 20, 2022. I never heard back from any of you. You were all voted in to protect the taxpayers, not the Mayor and his cronies. I think it’s time for you to launch an investigation into this whole situation. You can be part of the problem or part of the solution. It’s your call.
Next time you try and get two people together, you might want to think twice. But bad judgment seems to be your specialty. Don’t forget this guy and the Ratchet Girls. (See Pics below and see more on Blog 29.
I hope you all enjoyed today’s Blog. I just found out that Fani Willis and her boyfriend made over 2,000 phone calls and over 10,000 texts to each over an eleven month period. I want to read them all. See you soon.
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